The crafts we provide include mosaic work, chair-seating in cane, sea-grass or cord, wood-carving, peg-loom weaving, knitting, painting, card making, papier mache and clay work.
We provide free transport to and from the venue by voluntary drivers using their own cars. Most of the drivers also participate in the activities and provide help (usually on a one to one basis) where necessary
The tutors and volunteers are given training to work with blind and partially sighted members
The majority of our members are elderly as sight often deteriorates with age and many live in rural locations, so travelling is difficult and they can feel very isolated. View Craft can therefore provide a friendly and encouraging atmosphere which is generated between the members, tutors and volunteers alike. Some life-long friendships have been made here!
The art work produced is of a high standard which gives our members a sense of achievement and improves their self-esteem. At the same time, they enjoy a welcoming and supportive experience, shared with the tutors and volunteers
No previous experience of any of the crafts is required as full support is given. The sessions cost £5 a week, payable in advance at the beginning of each half-term. The fee includes transport, the cost of most of the craft materials provided and also a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit or two to keep you going until lunchtime!
If you are interested in learning more, please telephone Jean Wilson on 01323 505764